Before, I introduced you to our new approach and astounding innovation, “ZERO IS THE HERO.” I shared the staggering results of how we are making some MSAs disappear.
If you missed that announcement, catch it here:
We have three proprietary ways to reduce an MSA to ZERO, and in the video below I let you in behind the scenes to tell you about ONE of the THREE WAYS:
This short video tells you about TWO MORE WAYS!
Jack Meligan, RSP, BCFE, MSCC, CMSP-F
Your Medicare Problem Solver
P.S. When you are ready for us to conquer your Medicare and lien problems, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Next – Check out our Three Ways to Avoid an LMSA resource to learn even more about our innovative approach!
Before, I introduced you to our astounding innovation, “ZERO IS THE HERO,” and I shared the staggering results we are getting when we make MSAs disappear.
We have three proprietary ways to reduce an MSA to ZERO, and in this video I let you in on ONE of the THREE WAYS we make MSAs disappear.
Jack Meligan, RSP, BCFE, MSCC, CMSP-F
Your Medicare Problem Solver
P.S. When you are ready for us to conquer your Medicare and lien problems, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
For more information about ZERO IS THE HERO, see this link —
Then – Check out our Three Ways to Avoid an LMSA resource to learn even more about our innovative approach!
Since November 2017 we have been field testing “ZERO IS THE HERO” and the results are staggering…
We are upping our game again!
ZERO IS THE HERO! This has been our fervent battle cry here at PMLS.
My unwavering mission for the past 30 years has been to see that injury victims receive financial justice.
Our most recent tactic in that battle has been further developing, and then honing, our now-documented legal approach that has already resulted in many of our injured clients allocating exactly ZERO dollars from their settlements to a Liability MSA.
While this tactic does not apply to all case situations, it has worked on more than 50 percent of our cases and has saved millions of dollars in unnecessary and/or potentially overfunded LMSAs.
Here is the video where I introduced the astounding innovation we call “ZERO IS THE HERO!”
Jack Meligan, RSP, BCFE, MSCC, CMSP-F
Your Medicare Problem Solver
P.S. When you are ready for us to conquer your Medicare and lien problems, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Next – Check out ZERO IS THE HERO Part 2 – Make MSAs Disappear to discover ONE of the THREE WAYS we make MSAs disappear.
Then – Check out our Three Ways to Avoid an LMSA resource to learn even more about our innovative approach!
When you settle a case, do you deactivate ALL the Medicare landmines? Don’t be that lawyer who misses one and gets a call from a distraught client. Read The Truth About MSAs… by Jack Meligan, Your Medicare Problem Solver.
In this white paper, Jack Meligan lays out all the Medicare landmines YOU should know about, and how to deactivate them. Plus, he reveals the truth about MSAs, and why they may be the best protection for your client.
Download this Jack Meligan white paper HERE, or click on the image below —
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Next – The law does NOT require MSAs. However, that fact completely MISSES the point. So why do an MSA? Watch this Jack Meligan video — Why Do An MSA? The 37-Year-Old Law You Don’t Know About
Only one way to find out. Jack Meligan regularly creates a PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION video email for plaintiff trial attorneys and paralegals who are serious about stopping Medicare issues cold.
This video – “Is Your Paralegal in the Medicare Outhouse?” is video #23.
You can take your paralegals from the Outhouse to the Penthouse. But only when you outsource your Medicare and lien issues to our team of experts.
Reach out and call us. We’ll show you what we can do for you and your staff – 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
Don’t miss out! Keep up with Jack’s insightful perspectives and strategies about Medicare and lien issues. Subscribe to our email newsletter at:
Want more information on how The PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems? And then make them DISAPPEAR? Visit our website at Or call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
Getting something for free is an enticing incentive.
The word itself states that you are receiving something at no cost to you.
Here is his story … In March of 2013, G.M. had been mowing his elderly neighbor’s pasture as he often did for all of his neighbors. When he finished mowing that fine spring day, the neighbor brought out a couple of cold beverages to share. G.M. enjoyed the refreshment and some neighborly chatter, then said his goodbyes. He was heading back home when a massively distracted driver rear-ended him on a road outside of Damascus, Oregon, ejecting him from his tractor.
Phone records show that the distracted driver had been talking, texting and checking email literally nonstop while driving for over two hours from Central Oregon.
G.M. sustained multiple injuries. Most severe was a traumatic brain injury, leaving him with the permanent mentality of a five-year-old.
Yet, what almost happened next could have caused even more damage, but of the financial type.
You see, our competitors were targeting G.M. and his attorney with an offer of free administration for G.M.’s MSA. However, there was a catch. The competitor also wanted to be retained to prepare the critically important set-aside report.
This competitor’s recommended “set-aside” allocation, to cover both G.M.’s lifetime Medicare-allowable expenses and their free administration, came in at $453,826.96. A ridiculous sum, as this amount would have grossly overfunded G.M.’s voluntary MSA.
Our proprietary allocation methods reduced the competitor’s recommended MSA amount to $206,288, which included the lifetime cost of our “White Glove” Professional Administration Services, a savings of $247,538 to G.M.
On top of that huge savings, PMLS’ Lifetime “White Glove” Administration Services will go on to provide G.M. and his attorney with much more than our competitors could ever offer.
First, G.M. has immediate access to his own dedicated, personal administration tech for all MSA and Medicare issues.
Additionally, he has a “hotline” 800 number manned 24 hours, 365 days a year, for immediate, direct assistance with any other “Life Care” problems, enabling his attorneys to gently cut the “umbilical cord” and move on to serve the next injured person whose case needs attention.
These services and the nearly $250,000 in savings were a much better deal for G.M., and his attorney was very pleased.
—Neil Jackson, Neil Jackson & Partners, Portland, OR, Immediate Past President OTLA (Oregon Trial Lawyers Association)
We believe this is how it should always be.
Avoid their dirty tactics with The PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION.
We will reduce your client’s MSA allocation to the absolute lowest, reasonable and defensible amount, GUARANTEED, and save your clients massive amounts of dollars that can be used for more important needs.
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us today at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Click HERE to see Jack Meligan’s short video to get the answer —
Visit our website at: to discover how PMLS can solve your Medicare problems.
Your Medicare Problem Solver
The FIRST of three Medicare problems trial attorneys must solve is the Medicare conditional payments issue. This is the “past medical” that Medicare wants repaid at the time of settlement, or just after.
Not only is there the very REAL threat of “double damages” for missing this with Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan (as Paris Blank trial lawyers discovered – ), there’s more. NOT dealing with Medicare conditional payments in a timely manner can cause a huge time delay in getting defendants to pay over an agreed-upon settlement amount.
The hold up? Most defendants are demanding to see a copy of Medicare’s Final Conditional Payments Demand Letter BEFORE letting go of the settlement check. However, this is not easy to obtain. The process with Medicare can take 90 to 120 days—even longer. Thus, starting well in advance of a possible settlement date is imperative if you want to avoid disappointing your client, your bookkeeper, or your banker.
The SECOND of three Medicare problems trial lawyers must solve involves MSAs and future Medicare liability. MSAs are absolutely NOT required by law. However, that fact misses the bigger point. The bigger point is that the law making Medicare SECONDARY to all forms of insurance dates back to 1980. Almost 37 years. Consequently, ignorance of the law is no defense.
When Medicare is notified, or otherwise discovers, that your client has a settlement that includes compensation for future medical, Medicare is PRECLUDED from paying. Then, they will notify your client. When your client gets a letter from Medicare denying payment, and they have no money left from their settlement to pay with, who are they going to call? YOU.
Hence, advising your client on the reason for and against creating a voluntary minimalized MSA account, with or without professional administration, is imperative. Especially if you want to avoid having an uncomfortable phone call from your client sometime down the road.
The THIRD of three Medicare problems trial lawyers must solve is the Section 111 Settlement Report. Medicare LEGALLY requires defendants to submit this report on the date of settlement, and it has 196 data points!! Now, not all of them are filled in on every report or any one report. The one that is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to your client is the complete list of all the ICD-9 or 10 codes. These codes identify the treatments for your client’s injuries or conditions that are the subject of their settlement. The problem? This information goes into your client’s common working file at Medicare. Their job is to match these codes with future billings and DENY payment for bills that reference those same codes.
There have already been numerous instances where defendants have misreported or even negligently reported pre-existing conditions, OR EVEN SOME OTHER PLAINTIFF’S CONDITIONS, to Medicare. When this happens, your client can be erroneously denied payment from Medicare for those services. This can cause a lot of potential problems. Maybe even life threatening ones. Furthermore, it takes a trip to an ALJ to straighten out the mess.
Therefore, adding language to your Settlement Agreement and Release that PREVENTS or STRICTLY LIMITS the potential damage that a defendant’s negligent Section 111 Report to Medicare/CMS can cause, is imperative if you don’t want to have to fix one of these messes.
Do you want or need help with any, or all of these? The PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION has the answers. email us or give us a call. We are ready to help you.
Email — Phone – 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Protect your clients and save them money, as well as future hassles with Medicare. We will take all of these Medicare problems off of your desk, along with the hassle, worry and expense of compliance, so you can rediscover the joy of why you got into plaintiff’s trial law to begin with.
YOUR Medicare Problem Solver.
Another case, another victory. This time, assisting an attorney from Alaska with a Medicare Conditional Payment (MCP) case. The result? A savings of $38,947.48 for the injury victim. Making almost half of the injury victim’s MCP disappear!
At PMLS, we believe ZERO IS THE HERO! Thus, our goal is making all liens disappear. When we can’t make them disappear entirely, we MASSIVELY REDUCE them to the lowest rock-bottom amount that is reasonable and defensible.
In the case above, the plaintiff’s injury came from a slip and fall incident at a restaurant. We were able to reduce the MCP from $79,122.28 to $40,159.62, saving the injury victim $38,947.48.
If you are ready to have us CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems and also make them DISAPPEAR – call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
For more information about ZERO IS THE HERO, see this link here —
There are 3 Medicare problems every trial attorney MUST solve for their clients. Not doing so can have disastrous results. For example, the following:
Sued for double damages. Erroneously denied payment from Medicare. No money left to pay denied Medicare bills. Frequently, these are real results.
No one wants to see their clients face these issues. So, what are these problems and how do you solve them? Watch Jack Meligan’s video below:
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
The trial attorneys at Paris Blank were the first to be sued over Medicare conditional payments. Here is the story and what you can do to protect you and your firm.
Why do an MSA? MSAs are NOT required by law. In fact, they are not required in liability cases or even in Workers Comp cases. So they are easy to overlook. Yet, forgoing a voluntary MSA can be a big mistake for a number of reasons.
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Next – The 3 Medicare Problems Every Trial Attorney MUST Solve for Their Clients
3 Medicare Problems Every Trial Attorney Must Solve for Their Clients Jack Meligan is the founder of The PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION, and he teaches that there are 3 Medicare problems every trial attorney must solve for their Medicare clients. #1 – THE MEDICARE CONDITIONAL PAYMENTS ISSUE The FIRST of three Medicare problems trial … Continue reading