From Jack’s Desk: PMLS Video #43 Perilous Assumptions: What the Law Does NOT Say About Medicare Conditional Payments
Trial Attorneys are making a perilous assumption about what the law says regarding Medicare Conditional Payments.
In this video, Jack Meligan reflects on an excellent article that was in the October issue of Trial magazine. Not to mention, at the 5:20 mark Jack shares a little-understood fact few attorneys know. This fact is directly related to what the law specifically does & does not say about Medicare Conditional Payments.
Medicare is Pivoting and Change is Coming
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
At the 7:50 mark of this video, Jack also holds up an actual letter denying payments that Medicare sent out to one of it’s beneficiaries.
We’ve told you before about other attorneys who have been sued over Medicare issues – see this link for more information:
Don’t Let This Happen to You!
If you are ready to have the THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION help you CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems, and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our website Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
P.S.“I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA
From Jack’s Desk: PMLS Video #42 DOJ Escalates the Targeting of Trial Attorneys
Another big settlement reached between the DOJ and trial attorneys! This time, a Baltimore law firm has paid $91,406.98 to resolve allegations related to Medicare Conditional Payments.
The details of this case reveal that the DOJ has significantly upped the ante. They make it clear that entering into a joint agreement with co-counsel can make you an accessory to the violation of mishandling Medicare Conditional Payments. Jack has the news and analysis for you.
Medicare is Pivoting and Change is Coming
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
Within the DOJ press release that Jack refers to in the video above are two salient quotes every trial attorney serving injury victims needs to be cognizant of:
“Plaintiffs’ attorneys cannot refer a case to or enter into a joint representation agreement with co-counsel and simply wash their hands clean of their obligations to reimburse Medicare for its conditional payments,”
“We intend to hold attorneys accountable for failing to make good on their obligations to repay Medicare for its conditional payments, regardless of whether they were the ones primarily handling the litigation for the plaintiff.”
We’ve told you before about other attorneys who have been sued over Medicare issues – see this link for more information:
Don’t Let This Happen to You!
If you are ready to have the THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION help you CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems, and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our website Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
P.S.“I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA
Medicare Letters Denying Payments to Claimants Who Have Received Settlements
Jack Meligan recently spoke about two actual letters denying payments that Medicare sent out to beneficiaries that they know have received settlements.
Here are the links so you can download and review these documents for yourself:
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems, and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our PMLS website Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
P.S.“I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA
The First Biggest Mistake Trial Attorneys Make with the Medicare Conditional Payments Process
The Medicare Conditional Payments process is more important than trial attorneys realize. Their first biggest mistake? One that can cost their clients everything.
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Can You or Your Firm Take a Punch in the Mouth from Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Organization over Medicare Conditional Payments?
The trial attorneys at Paris Blank were the first to take a punch over Medicare Conditional Payments. In fact, they weren’t just sued, they were sued for double damages. Some would argue that this was even worse. Thus, their experience holds valuable lessons. Here is the story and what you can do to protect you and your firm.
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
The Muddled Maze of Medicare: The One Date That Matters for Medicare CPs and Liability MSAs
It’s a date that affects both Medicare Conditional Payments and Liability MSA. In fact, it is the most important date that concerns your client. Why? Because this one date can determine how much your client retains.
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.