I hope this year has been going well for you so far, or at least, better than it has been for Simon & Simon, P.C. Simon & Simon, P.C. is the fourth firm to take a hit from Medicare, and they won’t be the last.
After getting nailed for failing to resolve their clients’ Medicare Conditional Payments, Simon & Simon, P.C. settled with the DOJ for $6,604.59 and a whole host of other conditions.
Folks, I can’t stress the risks of unresolved Medicare Conditional Payments enough.
CMS is making their message clear. They are looking for lawyers who aren’t protecting the Medicare Public Trust Fund and making examples out of them. I encourage you to learn more about this case in the video below, and shoot me an email with any questions that come out of it.
Within the press release that I reference above is one very important quote from United States Attorney William M. McSwain. In fact, it’s one that every trial attorney serving injury victims needs to be aware of.
Here is a link to that DOJ Press release so you can read it for yourself: https://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/philadelphia-based-personal-injury-law-firm-agrees-resolve-allegations-unpaid-medicare
Don’t be the next attorney or firm to take a hit from Medicare! Take the target off of you and your firm’s back by outsourcing these Medicare Conditional Payment matters to professionals who deal with liens day in and day out.
Give us a call at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) or send us an email at info@plaintiffsmsa.com.
I’ll see you again next week!
*If you have any topics, cases, stories, or questions that you’d like me to cover in an upcoming video, shoot us an email at: info@plaintiffsmsa.com. We’d be happy to review it for a possible upcoming topic.
Jack Meligan, RSP, MSCC, CMSP-F
The Plaintiff’s MSA & Lien Solution
Trial Attorneys are making a perilous assumption about what the law says regarding Medicare Conditional Payments.
In this video, Jack Meligan reflects on an excellent article that was in the October issue of Trial magazine. Not to mention, at the 5:20 mark Jack shares a little-understood fact few attorneys know. This fact is directly related to what the law specifically does & does not say about Medicare Conditional Payments.
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
At the 7:50 mark of this video, Jack also holds up an actual letter denying payments that Medicare sent out to one of it’s beneficiaries.
Here is a link where you can see this document for yourself: https://plaintiffsmsa.com/medicare-letters-denying-payments-to-claimants-who-have-received-settlements
We’ve told you before about other attorneys who have been sued over Medicare issues – see this link for more information: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com
Don’t Let This Happen to You!
If you are ready to have the THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION help you CONQUER your and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our website plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
P.S. “I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA
Another big settlement reached between the DOJ and trial attorneys! This time, a Baltimore law firm has paid $91,406.98 to resolve allegations related to Medicare Conditional Payments.
The details of this case reveal that the DOJ has significantly upped the ante. They make it clear that entering into a joint agreement with co-counsel can make you an accessory to the violation of mishandling Medicare Conditional Payments. Jack has the news and analysis for you.
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
Within the DOJ press release that Jack refers to in the video above are two salient quotes every trial attorney serving injury victims needs to be cognizant of:
“Plaintiffs’ attorneys cannot refer a case to or enter into a joint representation agreement with co-counsel and simply wash their hands clean of their obligations to reimburse Medicare for its conditional payments,”
“We intend to hold attorneys accountable for failing to make good on their obligations to repay Medicare for its conditional payments, regardless of whether they were the ones primarily handling the litigation for the plaintiff.”
Here is a link to that DOJ Press release so you can see it with your own eyes: https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/baltimore-plaintiffs-law-firm-saiontz-kirk-pa-pays-united-states-over-90000-settle
We’ve told you before about other attorneys who have been sued over Medicare issues – see this link for more information: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com
Don’t Let This Happen to You!
If you are ready to have the THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION help you CONQUER your plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our websiteP.S. “I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA
Jack Meligan recently spoke about two actual letters denying payments that Medicare sent out to beneficiaries that they know have received settlements.
Here are the links so you can download and review these documents for yourself:
Medicare Summary Notice Denial Letter
Medivest Medicare Denial
If you would like to download our Free Resource – THE INSIDER’S GUIDE TO AVOIDING MSAs see this link here – http://www.avoidingmsas.com/
If you would like to purchase THE 3 WAYS TO AVOID AN LMSA TOOLKIT see this link here – https://plaintiffsmsa.com/order-the-three-ways-to-avoid-an-lmsa-toolkit/?page=toolkit
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our PMLS websiteAlso, check out our “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.
P.S. “I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA
Word on the street was that this fall (2019) Medicare would finally be issuing the long-awaited guidance they first spoke about back in 2012.
Fall is almost over and Medicare has still not issued anything…
Jack Meligan has been traveling, and in this video he shares two interesting tidbits that he has heard about this long-promised guidance.
Jack also covers actual letters denying payments that Medicare has been sending out to beneficiaries. Specifically, ones that they know have received settlements.
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
Medicare Letters Denying Payments to Claimants Who Have Received Settlements
At the 6:35 mark of this video, Jack Meligan speaks of two actual letters denying payments that Medicare sent out to beneficiaries. Specifically, ones that they know have received settlements.
Here is a link where you can see these documents for yourself – https://plaintiffsmsa.com/medicare-letters-denying-payments-to-claimants-who-have-received-settlements/
Avoiding MSAs
At the end of this video, Jack mentions some of the tools and resources we offer to help plaintiff attorneys avoid MSAs.
If you would like to download our Free Resource – “THE INSIDER’S GUIDE TO AVOIDING MSAs” – see this link – http://www.avoidingmsas.com/
If you would like to purchase “THE 3 WAYS TO AVOID AN LMSA TOOLKIT,” see this link – https://plaintiffsmsa.com/order-the-three-ways-to-avoid-an-lmsa-toolkit/?page=toolkit
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our PMLS websiteAlso, check out our “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.
P.S. “I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA
In this video, Jack Meligan shows and tells you about an actual letter from Humana that was sent to an MSA Administrator.
This letter explicitly displays Humana’s request for reimbursement for Medicare conditional payments they made on behalf of the injury victim.
Jack also discusses the Supreme Court decision that gives Medicare Advantage Plans like Humana the right to receive reimbursement.
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
In the video below, Jack Meligan shows and tells you about an actual Medicare Summary Notice sent to a Medicare beneficiary that outlines Medicare Part B services that were denied. Because, as the letter says, “you may have funds set aside from your settlement …”
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our PMLS websiteAlso, check out our “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.
In this video, Jack Meligan shows and tells you about an actual Medicare Summary Notice sent to a Medicare beneficiary that outlines Medicare Part B services that were denied. Because, as the letter says, “you may have funds set aside from your settlement…”
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our PMLS website plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
Also, check out our “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.
Here is Jack Meligan’s overview video about the MSP Future Medicals Disclosure Form. Below the video is the link where you can download this form.
In this video, Jack Meligan specifically shares how plaintiff attorneys serving injury victims can have Priceless Peace of Mind with regard to Medicare Conditional Payments lien resolution:
At The PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION, we are all about “ZERO IS THE HERO.” An innovative tactic we introduced to the industry.
We have also copped an attitude. We believe, “The lienholders are owed nothing”
Here is Jack’s video about PMLS’ lien resolution services—“The Lienholders Are Owed Nothing”:
When you are ready to have us help you with a lien, click this link to download our service form: https://plaintiffsmsa.com/msa-lien-resolution-forms
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced go to our PMLS website: plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583). Also, check out our “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.