From Jack’s Desk: PMLS Video #41 – Is Medicare Acting Like Lucy Yet Again?
Word on the street was that this fall (2019) Medicare would finally be issuing the long-awaited guidance they first spoke about back in 2012.
Fall is almost over and Medicare has still not issued anything…
Jack Meligan has been traveling, and in this video he shares two interesting tidbits that he has heard about this long-promised guidance.
Jack also covers actual letters denying payments that Medicare has been sending out to beneficiaries. Specifically, ones that they know have received settlements.
Medicare is Pivoting and Change is Coming
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
Medicare Letters Denying Payments to Claimants Who Have Received Settlements
At the 6:35 mark of this video, Jack Meligan speaks of two actual letters denying payments that Medicare sent out to beneficiaries. Specifically, ones that they know have received settlements.
Here is a link where you can see these documents for yourself – https://plaintiffsmsa.com/medicare-letters-denying-payments-to-claimants-who-have-received-settlements/
Avoiding MSAs
At the end of this video, Jack mentions some of the tools and resources we offer to help plaintiff attorneys avoid MSAs.
If you would like to download our Free Resource – “THE INSIDER’S GUIDE TO AVOIDING MSAs” – see this link – http://www.avoidingmsas.com/
If you would like to purchase “THE 3 WAYS TO AVOID AN LMSA TOOLKIT,” see this link – https://plaintiffsmsa.com/order-the-three-ways-to-avoid-an-lmsa-toolkit/?page=toolkit
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) for a no charge, no obligation initial consult.
and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our PMLS websiteAlso, check out our “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.
P.S. “I have known and worked with Meligan and his firm for almost 20 years. They know this stuff. These folks are easy to work with, and you are likely to learn something that makes your life easier.”
— Rick H. Friedman, Friedman | Rubin, Seattle, WA