From Jack’s Desk #33: Medicare BS & Trial Lawyers – It’s Worse Than You Think
Medicare BS & Trial Lawyers? It’s worse than you think.
In this video, Jack addresses the latest rumors about the threat of guidance from Medicare CMS and one simple step you can implement to protect yourself, your firm, and your clients.
Call us and we’ll show you what we can do to protect your clients, yourself, and your staff. Call 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
From Jack’s Desk #32 – Suspended & Disbarred
To Watch From Jack’s Desk #32: Medicare vs. Trial Lawyers –It’s Worse Than We Thought – Suspended & Disbarred go to – plaintiffsmsa.com/from-jacks-desk-32-medicare-vs-trial-lawyers-its-worse-than-we-thought-suspended-disbarred.
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If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced go to our PMLS website at plaintiffsmsa.com, or call me at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583). Or check our other “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.