I hope this year has been going well for you so far, or at least, better than it has been for Simon & Simon, P.C. Simon & Simon, P.C. is the fourth firm to take a hit from Medicare, and they won’t be the last.
After getting nailed for failing to resolve their clients’ Medicare Conditional Payments, Simon & Simon, P.C. settled with the DOJ for $6,604.59 and a whole host of other conditions.
Folks, I can’t stress the risks of unresolved Medicare Conditional Payments enough.
CMS is making their message clear. They are looking for lawyers who aren’t protecting the Medicare Public Trust Fund and making examples out of them. I encourage you to learn more about this case in the video below, and shoot me an email with any questions that come out of it.
Within the press release that I reference above is one very important quote from United States Attorney William M. McSwain. In fact, it’s one that every trial attorney serving injury victims needs to be aware of.
Here is a link to that DOJ Press release so you can read it for yourself: https://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/philadelphia-based-personal-injury-law-firm-agrees-resolve-allegations-unpaid-medicare
Don’t be the next attorney or firm to take a hit from Medicare! Take the target off of you and your firm’s back by outsourcing these Medicare Conditional Payment matters to professionals who deal with liens day in and day out.
Give us a call at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583) or send us an email at info@plaintiffsmsa.com.
I’ll see you again next week!
*If you have any topics, cases, stories, or questions that you’d like me to cover in an upcoming video, shoot us an email at: info@plaintiffsmsa.com. We’d be happy to review it for a possible upcoming topic.
Jack Meligan, RSP, MSCC, CMSP-F
The Plaintiff’s MSA & Lien Solution