MSA Initial Consult Overview
Plaintiff attorneys often call us to talk about whether or not there are any Medicare issues they need to address. Specifically, so that their client’s potential case settlement is not hindered or slowed down. We call this the initial consult call.
In the video below, Jack Meligan, Founder of THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION, answers many of the questions covered during these initial consult calls.
If, after watching this video, you have any further questions related to the specific terms and conditions of your case – call us and let us help you avoid any Medicare issues that could hinder and slow down your settlement – 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
Suspended & Disbarred
Some plaintiff attorneys still don’t think that Medicare issues can impact them. If that is you, you might want to watch this video – From Jack’s Desk #32: Medicare vs. Trial Lawyers – It’s Worse Than We Thought – Suspended & Disbarred —
You Can Subscribe to PMLS’ Medicare Issues Video Emails
In order to stay up to date on PMLS’ insightful perspectives and strategies about Medicare and lien issues, subscribe to our email newsletter at: plaintiffsmsa.com/subscribe-pmls-medicare-issues-video-email
When you are ready to set yourself free from Medicare issues, call us – 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).