From Jack’s Desk #38: Love Letter From Medicare to Plaintiff Attorneys
In this video, Jack Meligan shows and tells you about an actual Medicare Summary Notice sent to a Medicare beneficiary that outlines Medicare Part B services that were denied. Because, as the letter says, “you may have funds set aside from your settlement…”
The time to prepare is now.
Medicare is Pivoting and Change is Coming
Make sure that you and your firm are ready.
If you want more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your and possibly make them DISAPPEAR or get significantly reduced, then go to our PMLS website plaintiffsmsa.com. Or, call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
Also, check out our “Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues” resource here: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com.