The Trump Administration is proposing a world record, near $5 TRILLION federal budget for fiscal year 2021 (beginning 10/01/2020). This budget also proposes massively CUTTING Social Security and Medicare funding by a TRILLION DOLLARS OVER THE NEXT DECADE.
Essentially, this shows that the government is “throwing in the towel.” They are scrapping any pretense of actually trying to save either program, and may also be hastening the decline of both.
As a result, Trial Lawyers should expect increased collection and recovery pressure on past conditional payments, and denial of payments for future settlement-related Medicare services. Think “drowning man” syndrome. Especially as the Medicare bureaucracy thrashes about, trying to glom onto anything that will keep it afloat.
Don’t let the same thing happen to you! Watch my latest video for a simple suggestion to keep you and your clients above water.
I’ll see you again next week!
*If you have any topics, cases, stories, or questions that you’d like Jack to cover in an upcoming video, shoot us an email at: info@plaintiffsmsa.com and we’d be happy to review for a possible upcoming topic.
Jack Meligan, RSP, MSCC, CMSP-F
The Plaintiff’s MSA & Lien Solution