When “Free” Costs Almost a Quarter Million Dollars…
Getting something for free is an enticing incentive.
The word itself states that you are receiving something at no cost to you.
Yet, are you really? One of our recent clients found that free nearly cost him almost $250,000.
Here is his story … In March of 2013, G.M. had been mowing his elderly neighbor’s pasture as he often did for all of his neighbors. When he finished mowing that fine spring day, the neighbor brought out a couple of cold beverages to share. G.M. enjoyed the refreshment and some neighborly chatter, then said his goodbyes. He was heading back home when a massively distracted driver rear-ended him on a road outside of Damascus, Oregon, ejecting him from his tractor.
Phone records show that the distracted driver had been talking, texting and checking email literally nonstop while driving for over two hours from Central Oregon.
G.M. sustained multiple injuries. Most severe was a traumatic brain injury, leaving him with the permanent mentality of a five-year-old.
Yet, what almost happened next could have caused even more damage, but of the financial type.
You see, our competitors were targeting G.M. and his attorney with an offer of free administration for G.M.’s MSA. However, there was a catch. The competitor also wanted to be retained to prepare the critically important set-aside report.
Their dirty little secret? By tying the creation of the set-aside report to the offer of free administration, their administration services would be anything but free.
This competitor’s recommended “set-aside” allocation, to cover both G.M.’s lifetime Medicare-allowable expenses and their free administration, came in at $453,826.96. A ridiculous sum, as this amount would have grossly overfunded G.M.’s voluntary MSA.
Luckily, G.M. and his attorney came to The PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION (PMLS) for a second opinion.
Our proprietary allocation methods reduced the competitor’s recommended MSA amount to $206,288, which included the lifetime cost of our “White Glove” Professional Administration Services, a savings of $247,538 to G.M.
On top of that huge savings, PMLS’ Lifetime “White Glove” Administration Services will go on to provide G.M. and his attorney with much more than our competitors could ever offer.
First, G.M. has immediate access to his own dedicated, personal administration tech for all MSA and Medicare issues.
Additionally, he has a “hotline” 800 number manned 24 hours, 365 days a year, for immediate, direct assistance with any other “Life Care” problems, enabling his attorneys to gently cut the “umbilical cord” and move on to serve the next injured person whose case needs attention.
These services and the nearly $250,000 in savings were a much better deal for G.M., and his attorney was very pleased.
“These folks really know what they are doing – saved one of my clients from potentially overfunding their voluntary Liability MSA to the tune of $247,538!”
—Neil Jackson, Neil Jackson & Partners, Portland, OR, Immediate Past President OTLA (Oregon Trial Lawyers Association)
We believe this is how it should always be.
DON’T fall victim to competitors’ claims of free administration.
Avoid their dirty tactics with The PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION.
We will reduce your client’s MSA allocation to the absolute lowest, reasonable and defensible amount, GUARANTEED, and save your clients massive amounts of dollars that can be used for more important needs.
Outsource your Medicare and conditional payments headaches to us. Call us today at 888-MSA-PLTF or 888-672-7583.
Why do an MSA when they are NOT required by law?
Click HERE to see Jack Meligan’s short video to get the answer —
Visit our website at: plaintiffsmsa.com to discover how PMLS can solve your Medicare problems.
Jack Meligan
Your Medicare Problem Solver