3 Tools to Avoid LMSAs and Medicare Issues
An Offer Exclusively for The Trial Guides Community
My name is Jack Meligan, and I am the founder of THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION. We help plaintiffs AVOID LMSAs and Medicare issues and furthermore, we provide the most stunningly effective lien resolution services on the planet.
Trial Guides has made it possible for you to receive 3 tools that will help you AVOID LMSAs and Medicare lien issues.
1st TOOL: The Insider’s Guide to Avoiding MSAs
2nd TOOL: MSP Future Medicals Disclosure Form
3rd TOOL: For the next 90 days you can get our Medicare Conditional Payments Lien Resolution Service for $1 (a savings of $749 off our initial fee).
The link to order these tools is immediately below this short video of mine to help answer questions you may have:
How To Order
To receive any of the 3 tools we are offering, please fill out the form below.
If you have any trouble with this form, then please call us directly at 503-699-8854 or 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583)
Our Lien Resolution Service is Deadly to Lienholders
We provide plaintiff attorneys with, hands down, the most DEADLY EFFECTIVE lien resolution service in existence. Deadly to lienholders, that is. Because we routinely deliver lien resolutions and reductions of 60%, 80% and even 100%.
At PMLS our battle cry is Financial Justice For Injury Victims. We work with Plaintiff Attorneys ONLY. Furthermore, we work hard to prevent ALL LMSAs and Medicare issues from taking any money from an injury victim’s settlement.
In fact, one of our most popular services is our $750 Medicare Conditional Payments Lien Resolution Service.
As shown above, Trial Guides has made it possible for you to receive this innovative service – One Time Only— for just $1.00.
This is not a trick and not a mirage. You can thank Trial Guides, Dr. Aaron DeShaw, and Lisa Carper, for obtaining this special benefit and offer:
If, in the next 90 days, you order our Medicare Conditional Payments Lien Resolution Service for one of your clients, then you will pay just ONE DOLLAR. Saving you $749.00 off our initial fee of $750.00.*
*Note: Our contingent fees for successfully resolving a Medicare Conditional Payment lien with a reduction that saves your client money is not part of this offer. Hey, we have to make something so we can pay our fierce lien litigators for their fantastic results.)
“The Lienholders Aren’t Owed Anything”
At The PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION ZERO IS THE HERO is an innovative tactic we introduced to the industry.
We also have copped an attitude. Basically, that attitude is that —“The Lienholders Are Owed Nothing”:
From Jack’s Desk #32: Medicare vs. Trial Lawyers –
It’s Worse Than We Thought – Sued, Suspended & Disbarred
Attorneys are being sued, suspended, and even disbarred over Medicare issues!
In this video I tell you about three attorneys who have been impacted by Medicare issues, including one who was suspended, and another who was disbarred: plaintiffsmsa.com/from-jacks-desk-32-medicare-vs-trial-lawyers-its-worse-than-we-thought-suspended-disbarred
From Jack’s Desk #27 Attorneys Sued Over Medicare Issues
I regularly have plaintiff attorneys tell me –
“Until attorneys get sued over Medicare issues, I am not going to deal with them”
Well – attorneys ARE being sued over Medicare issues.
In this video I tell the story of FIVE different situations where attorneys faced monstrous Medicare issues. Specifically, four attorneys were sued over Medicare issues and one attorney was given disastrous advice directly from Medicare: www.AttorneysSuedOverMedicareIssues.com
Put Us To Work On Your Medicare Conditional Payments Lien Resolution Situation
If you are ready to have us help you with a Medicare conditional payments lien resolution situation, then please call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583. Or, this link here will take you to the order form you need to get started – plaintiffsmsa.com/3-tools-to-avoid-lmsas-and-medicare-issues-an-offer-exclusively-for-the-trial-guides-community
For more information about how THE PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION can help you CONQUER your Medicare and lien problems, and possibly make them DISAPPEAR – go to the PMLS website at plaintiffsmsa.com, or call us at 888-MSA-PLTF (888-672-7583).
Jack Meligan, RSP, BCFE, MSCC, CMSP-F
Your Medicare & Lien Problem Solver
P.S. I regularly create a PLAINTIFF’S MSA & LIEN SOLUTION video email and distribute this resource to plaintiff trial attorneys, and paralegals, who are serious about stopping Medicare issues cold.
In order to stay up to date on my insightful perspectives and strategies about Medicare and lien issues, subscribe to our email newsletter at: https://plaintiffsmsa.com/subscribe-pmls-medicare-issues-video-email/